Analysis of test shoot

This is an evaluation of our filming that we have done previous to this. After everyone watched back over our short test short film, we decided the positives and negitives from the filming and decided on what we would make better next time we filmed, when we did it properly (as this was only a test shoot)
One of the things we changed was the opening scene, in the test shoot he is pulled out of a drawer, and jumps into a persons bag, when we decided to re film we had someone make the robot, then him come to life, we believe this gives the film a better film and it flows better. Overalo our group was happy with the test filming that we did, but there were some flaws with the filming. One of these was the lack of a tripod, we realised a tripod was a necesity, to allow us to hold the camera steady and make it look much more proffessional. Another thing we decided was to include Point Of View shots, from the robots perspective, this is to allow the viewer to relate more with the robot, who is in turn the main character of the film.
We will include alot more variety of shots filmed more proffessionaly when it comes to filming for our final piece, this will then lead to a better and more proffessional outcome.

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