Props etc.

In order to keep the mis en scene the same throughout the whole short film there are certain things we will need to keep the same, these things are:

The specific things we have used in our film are:
Cheese (actor)
Robot (prop)
Bag (prop)
Car (prop)
All of the locations

As we do all/most of our filming in school time, these things will be easy to keep the same, we have made sure each person is responsable for there own props, me personaly have to make sure i bring the bag in every lesson. Cheese has to make sure he wears the same clothes on filming days and also brings in the robot prop.

Seeming as everyone knows exactly what they need to bring in and on what days the orgonisation of all of these things is very good, there has not been a day yet where we have not been able to film due to missorginisation.

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